Newspaper clip from Falu Kuriren.

Courier aircraft carried large amounts of vegetables.

New engine trouble prevented transfer.

Private to Falu-Kuriren.
The German courier aircraft that made an emergency landing on Rommehed on Monday is still at the airfield. The engines of the aircraft was started and tested on Tuesday with the intention to fly the aircraft to Västerås. After two hours of testing of the engines a crankshaft broke which postponed all attempts to move the aircraft.
On Monday evening a Swedish aircraft arrived to Rommehed carrying high-ranking Swedish officers who immediately examined the German aircraft. The Swedish aircraft left Rommehed on Tuesday for Västerås were it according to information was to order necessary engine parts to be sent to Rommehed to make the German aircraft airworthy.
Besides the dismantled machine-gun the German aircraft was also carrying some provisions. Among these were tomatoes, ten sacks of cucumbers and the on another place in the paper mentioned two piglets of around three months. All this was taken in custody by the authorities.
The six men of whom all of them are Germans are still interned on Rommehed. The woman is according to information Norwegian and married to one of the men on the aircraft (sic!) left Rommehed on the Tuesday escorted by a Swedish second lieutenant to be transported via Stockholm to Germany. The only known action to the aircraft except the engine test is that the German national insignias have been over-crossed.

Note: My own comments are noted in Italics.